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Wednesday, 26 of March of 2025

Tag » The Golden Globes

Podcast 006: Noel: UNLEASHED!

“Are you uncomfortable with emotions, Noel?”

Much like the Force and those pesky dogs at the Hollywood Farmers’ Market coddled by their people-aggressive owners, Noel got a little unleashed here at about the 1:04:07 mark. Sure, we talk about other stuff like the Golden Globe/SAG award nominations, some TV for this week, and the mid-season series hitting the networks next month but we like it when Noel has a chance to go off on the mockumentary style (which has been committed to the public record earlier) because it’s so rare to see (or hear even) Noel get all up in arms.

So listen to the other stuff, too, because it’s good (despite Matt not being able to hang with us) but prepare to crack a smile just past the hour mark.

Running Time: 69 minutes

Topics: Place in the Podcast

  • Golden Globes/SAG Award Nominations: 0:00:43
    • Neil Patrick Harris: 0:19:01
  • The Good Wife: 0:21:31
  • Psych: 0:33:56
  • Mid-Season Shows
    • FX: 0:40:14
    • NBC: 0:43:43
    • FOX: 0:55:48
    • ABC: 0:58:29
    • Showtime: 1:01:11

Golden Snores (Still sounds dirty…)

As opposed to a long-winded ranted by me about the Golden Globes (geeze were they dull), there’s a more thoughtful and interesting roundtable discussion feature me, Myles McNuttLindsay H. GarrisonKelli Marshall, and Kristen. We were all hosted by the welcoming, charming, and brilliant Anne Petersen. I thank everyone for a great discussion (and Anne for bringing us together), and I also thank this group of very smart people for letting me participate. Goodness know I’m the least profound person in the bunch, so hopefully I look smarter by association. But I doubt even I could manage that feat!