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Wednesday, 26 of March of 2025

Tag » guest stars

Law & Order – “Crashers”

Stimulus money has gone to stimulust.”

Last time on Law & Order, I wrote about comedic guest stars on the show and why they may come to the franchise. It’s an idea I still really like, and would develop further given the time and money to pour through the various appearances such actors have made. This week I want to keep going with the guest star, but I want to talk about another facet of the guest star: the “Hey! I know that actor! And they’re not playing a defense attorney?  They did it.” mentality.

Yes, it’s true. The guest star can be a problem for the procedural. They suck all the narrative mystery out of a procedural because why would any show pay a fairly familiar face to just hang out and look cool in the background? They can pay someone scale (or slightly better) to do that! Instead, you pay that familiar face to draw audiences and/or have a powerful scene near the end of the show (to earn that Emmy). Read more »

Law & Order – “Brazil”

We deal with disagreements with emotional detachment and reason.”

I invented Law & Order bingo last night:

  • Ripped from the headlines story (often with an anvilicious message)
  • Mildly callous one-liner to kick off theme song
  • Special guest star looking for an Emmy nomination
    • BONUS: Special guest star is better known for comedic work, trying to prove their range/be taken seriously as a thespian (or the network is trying to pull in a different demographic)
  • Some tidbit about a character’s personal life is revealed
  • Show hits the Law & Order twist (red herrings, on the stand reversals, defense attorney shenanigans, etc.)
    • BONUS: Twist doubles the story back into another ripped from the headlines story
  • Schiff One Liner at the close of the episode

You see that? That’s the bingo arm of “Brazil” waving in the air.
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