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Monday, 31 of March of 2025

The Legend of Korra – “The Spirit of Competition”


KorraTitleCardI found myself rather charmed by “The Spirit of Competition”, even if I do feel it all ends a little too neatly, romance-wise. The episode isn’t particularly high stakes, with only a passing mention or two of Tarrlok and his task force and Amon’s ambush not even registering as an event (which seems odd, but the episode has other concerns). Instead, we push forward on the romantic and pro-bending front.

This isn’t to suggest that the episode is going to be one of those episodes I’ll re-watch on a rainy (or any) day (Hi, “The Blind Bandit” and “The Drill”!), largely because the romantic entanglements don’t particularly interest me and the pro-bending plot here is pretty by-the-numbers. But, really, the episode is just do so damn funny and elements of the romantic entanglements are refreshing enough that it kind of won me over.

And by refreshing I mean that Korra is attractive to Mako and Bolin not just because she’s the girl, but because she has traits that are attractive. Compliments are paid, and not just about her looks. They like her because he’s a good bender and she’s got a personality that appeals to each of them. That’s just not something I feel happens a lot, and, sure, yes, the episode massively fails the Bechdel Test (albeit amusingly so, involving dragons, volcanoes, potions of rainbows, and homewrecking), but it’s still well-executed.

For example: Korra just kissing Mako like that is a great moment for the character. It’s the kind of headstrong, aggressive move that is consistent with her previous behavior, but unlike her bending skills, it also leaves her vulnerable. Korra’s not used to be vulnerable, but ever since she’s arrive at Republic City she’s been nothing but vulnerable, and it’s nice to see that extended to this romantic polygon of her, Mako, Bolin, and Asami.

And another small example is just Bolin’s date. He picks an authentic Water Tribe restaurant to take her to, which is in keeping with his general approach of being as nice as possible (thinking back to the previous episode and his small but touching gift of a rose and a cupcake). And then, you know, the burping contest (which really only works because of the pan over to the horrified other customers).

And even though I don’t really care about ‘shipping and who ends up with who, the humor the episode mines from it is great, particularly from Bolin. Between the “Two alone people. Together. Alone.” and then the just inspired noodle binge/hangover after seeing Mako and Korra kissing (I likewise loved his crying/nose snot stream). It’s just some deftly executed humor that gets stuff past the censors and appeals to all age groups. It’s good stuff.

But it all kind of ends neatly. While I like that everyone is mature about the whole thing, they’re a little too mature about it. I doubt that this is the end of this love polygon, but it seems fairly well-resolved here that I’m not sure how other complications won’t feel forced for the sake romantic conflict as opposed to organically developed from the plot.

The bending tournament, which is the rest of the episode, is pretty tame. Their collapse as a team mirroring their collapsing personal lives is pretty predictable, and is resolved just as quickly. Pro-bending is neat-ish, but I kind of miss the underground free-for-all that was Earth Rumble VI. I also kind of don’t see why a complete knockout ends the match completely. But whatever.

So, yes, a bit of a breather episode here, but an enjoyable one.


  • An overstuffed Pabu, paddleboating his way out of the noodle shop cracked me up. Cracked. Me. Up.
  • “I mean some time outside the gym, not finding kidnapped relatives or fighting chi-blockers.”
  • I was talking about Mako with sava when the show premiered, and she felt he’s pretty stock anime pretty boy (minus the white hair) in his design, if not attitude. While I see it, I’m kind of not minding it. But Tahno is WAY stock anime villain inspired. But I do also look forward to seeing him in action.
  • “Please. Go on. I enjoy praise.”

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