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Friday, 7 of March of 2025

V – “Red Rain”

“Anna’s a lizard? That sucks. She’s so hot.”

It’s been a long time since the sky turned red (well, only 4 days in story time), but V came out swinging. Questions were answered, things were shown, lines were drawn and other nouns were verbed. Earth continues to be a planet populated mostly by idiots as the V’s plans continue and most of us keep drinking the red Kool-Aid. I prefer Ice Blue Raspberry Lemonade myself.

We got to see the V baby! And she’s so cute! Ryan only got a short time with her before being banished from the mothership. Anna plans on fueling his hatred of her to lead him to the Fifth Column (of which he’s already a main member) and destroying them from the inside. Hobbs already has reservations about his rejoining the group. Understandable seeing the extreme anger issues Ryan seems to have developed. He beat the piss out of that tracker. By the way, was anyone else thinking about this during the chase scene? It’s all I was seeing.

So the Red Sky. Super scary. Especially since Anna went radio silent and didn’t explain what the hell it was. Riots began and people finally began to doubt the V’s. The Red Sky opening up and bringing forth Red Rain certainly didn’t help either. But of course this was all part of Anna’s plan. Anna revealed that the Red Rain is good and should be no cause for fear. It will clean up the oceans and make land more fertile and reverse global warming (which made me laugh. Come on, we’re already screwed in that regard). But what was it really?

Phosphorous. It’s an important element in V life. It’s abundant on their home world. They use it for breeding. So the Red Rain is so the V’s can sex up the Earth. Gross.

This means a lot more to Erica. She was sick but was able to give birth to Tyler due to high levels of phosphorous in her blood. The V’s have been on Earth for a long time. Is it possible she was experimented on by V’s unknowingly? Is it possible her ex-husband is a V? Could Tyler be the first hybrid? That could explain Anna’s fascination with him. Answers lead to more questions. Rinse and repeat.

Chad came to Jack looking for redemption. He feels responsible for a lot of what’s going on because he endorsed the V’s and their programs. But Jack isn’t ready to forgive him. Chad must earn his trust. To show he can be trusted, Chad shows Jack some interview tapes where people from the Live Aboard program talked about the terrifying nightmares the had while on the ships. They all the same dream about needles. Chad says they were experimenting in the Live Aboards and he wants to stop it. Welcome to the Fifth Column, Chad.

Only 6 soldiers survived the bombing from the finale. Anna shows a moment of concern, maternal care as she holds one of their lizard hands. But she quickly withdraws from emotion as she shuts down their life support, killing the very things that caused her emotional outburst and the bring of the red Sky. Although she looks saddened after doing so. How is she going to manage the balance of emotion and stoicism?

Erica asks for Lisa’s help. With Joshua dead they need all the Fifth column help they can get. Lisa finds the plan to kill a doctor who is figuring out what the Red Sky is. This leads us to a new cast member! A young researcher who discovered a grave site with tons of bodies in them. All human save for one. This guy knows a lot about the V’s (without knowing he knows a lot about V’s) and is inducted into the group as well. He holds the key to a lot of revelations, which means he’s gonna die in  few episodes.

Back to Lisa. She and Tyler haven’t seen each other in 4 days. Anna tells Lisa to show him how much she’s missed him. Anna wants her to slut up. So she sleeps with Tyler, strengthening their bond and her control over him. In Anna’s eyes anyway. Lisa does it cause she loves him. Lots of doin’ it on ABC last night between V and No Ordinary Family.

So there was a lot of character development in this premiere. Can Jack get a little more love though please? New info and new alliances are helping point the series in a good direction. It took a while but I can see the series getting much better. Hopefully that translates to some audience increases. Its numbers right now are as dismal as the Red Sky.

Final Thoughts:

  • I didn’t realize that the V’s arrived only 2 months ago. Seems like everything has moved really fast for a series that’s moved rather slowly.
  • Quite a graphic premiere what with all the face melting and tail stabbing.
  • Does Lisa seriously wear nothing but a bra and panties under her V get-up?
  • A secret chamber in Anna’s ship houses an eerie swamp like room. And Anna’s mother. AWHA?

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