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Friday, 28 of March of 2025

True Blood – Season 3 Preparation

Note: This is a retrospective of a television season in preparation for an upcoming season premiere, like one of those “previously seen on” sequences before the show starts (maybe with a bit more snark), basically a reminder to those that have already watched. I warn you: there are spoilers below. If you want to catch up naturally, now is your time to leave and pick up the recorded media of your choice and catch up. Then come back later.

Let’s just get this out there off the bat: I had a huge aversion to True Blood initially. It’s not because I hate vampires. Interview with the Vampire is a favorite book and film of mine. I’m even somewhat interested in the Twilight films. But the huge and rabid fandom of the show was off-putting to me. And I don’t like Anna Paquin. But when it was given to me as a summer assignment for the blog, I put all that aside and actually gave it a try. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

True Blood is not just about vampires and sex and rednecks, although it does contain all of these elements. True Blood is a dirty, sexy, southern mystical romance novel topping to some of the most delicious social commentary on television. Sure, on the surface it’s about Sookie Stackhouse, a telepathic waitress, who falls in love with a vampire named Bill Compton (or Vampire Bill as he is affectionately referred to as). But it runs deeper than just being Twilight for twenty-somethings. It’s a show about prejudice and intolerance and hate, making the deep south of Louisiana the perfect setting. But it doesn’t stop there. Drugs, religion, sex, growing up, cults, sexuality: True Blood hits major societal themes without making you feel like you’re being preached at by some Southern Baptist deacon.

So I apologize to anyone who tried to get me into this show earlier and I urge anyone considering it to go ahead and take a bite. You can have your vampire love story True Blood or your social commentary True Blood. I prefer a nice mix of both. The love story isn’t as contrived or infuriating as is Twilight‘s. Sookie has far more depth of character then Bella. And Bill and fellow vampire Eric (one of my favorite characters) are far more interesting then Edward. And far less sparkly. Yeah, this show does vampires the right way.

Season 3 premieres June 13th. And I can’t wait. That’s right: I’m a fangbanger now.

Here’s a quick rundown of where we left our main characters at the end of season 2:

  • Sookie – runs to the bathroom to compose herself after Vampire Bill asks for her hand in marriage. After cleaning up and thinking it over, she runs out to say yes only to find no one there.
  • Bill – While waiting for an answer from Sookie we see a mysterious someone wrap a silver chain around his neck and take him away.
  • Eric – while visiting Vampire Queen Sophie Anne it is revealed that she is supplying the vampire blood that Eric has been giving to Lafayette. He promises her Bill will not find out.
  • Tara – already distraught over the events of Maryann’s presence, she breaks down upon seeing Eggs shot and dead outside of Merlotte’s.
  • Sam – is looking for answers. He goes back to foster family for the first time in years to find out what he can about where he came from.
  • Lafayette – is back to his old self and back to dealing V, both because of Eric.
  • Jason – shoots and kills Eggs after finding him brandishing a knife over a defenseless Andy. Andy takes the gun, wipes it off, and tells Jason to deny knowing what happened.
  • Jessica – giving in to her inner demons and feeding on a random trucker at a truck stop.

I’ll be covering True Blood once it starts on June 13th on HBO.

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