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Monday, 31 of March of 2025

The Good Guys – “The Dim Knight”

And my code for the copy machine might work.”


Last week’s episode was was a strong entry into show’s tone, despite my issues about pacing and use of its female characters. “The Dim Knight” (or “Night to Knight” as it was listed on Hulu if you’re looking for it), on the other hand, pretty much takes away all the entertaining stuff and ramps up all the lazy parts of the show.

At this point, I’m not sure if these reviews are going to continue, barring some major improvements in the next episode.

The minor case of dog poisonings (this, by the way, even for a not dog person like me, is not a minor case) leads to finding out about a chain of suburban meth labs. I think the whole plotline was supposed to be a nice homage/”Take that!” to Breaking Bad, but since I’m not watching what’s supposedly the best show to hit television since The Wire, someone else will have to tell me if that’s what they were aiming for here.

In any case, the episodes was simply way too busy. Between the 1980s John Woo-style Chinese assassin, the meth avenger, and the meth labs themselves, there were one too many plots in the episode to keep it moving at a brisk pace. Add in the headdesk inducing behavior between Liz and Bailey and Ruiz’s subtle change from being annoyed to pleasantly surprised (but still angry either way), and you’ve got a pretty pitiful episode.

I normally try and make a review at least 500 words. That’s not going to happen here. I may keep watching, due to lack of other options (I watched Aliens last night instead, catching this episode on Hulu). But I may just try and find other options next week.


  • How, exactly, was “Jukebox Hero” relevant to that shootout?
  • Boyuen, who played Mr. Chen, was channeling the right vibe, but the episode didn’t let him do anything with it, see if Chen thought it was a nice idea to intimidate people (especially Americans). Wasted chance.
  • I will give the show some credit: that Liz hasn’t been put in danger yet is very impressive.

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