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Monday, 31 of March of 2025

The Summer Line-Up for Monsters of Television

As the finales wrap up this week, it means a brief period of down time for most of us here at Monsters of Television. We’re thankful for the break as we’ve been going pretty strong since our first posts in January (with brief breaks during the Olympics and in then late March and early April). Indeed, since we went started, we’ve published nearly 180 pieces, most of them reviews, and we’d like to thank our readers and commenters for coming back each day (or each week) and reading our posts.

As you may have noticed, the blog has added not just one but two new writers within the past month or so. Matt joined us near the end of this fall/spring season covering Smallville (he swears his thoughts on the finale are forthcoming), Gossip Girl, and The Boondocks. Greeney just joined us this week with a brief Lost entry, but will be starting full time with three shows this summer. Nick and I are pleased as punch to have them both on board, and we hope you find them as insightful and funny as we do.

But don’t think that we  intend to kick back on the beach all summer (well, maybe Matt since he’s in L.A.). Instead, we’ll be reviewing a number of shows this summer, both new and returning series. After the jump, you’ll find a list of the shows we’re covering*, organized by writer, with the premiere date and network next to the show title.


  • Friday Night Lights (already running, NBC)
  • Lie To Me (June 7, Fox)
  • Top Chef (June 16, Bravo)


  • Persons Unknown (June 7, NBC)
  • True Blood (June 13, HBO)
  • Scoundrels (June 20, ABC)
  • Futurama (June 24, Comedy Central)


  • Memphis Beat (June 22, TNT)
  • White Collar (July 13, USA)
  • Psych (July 14, USA)
  • Mad Men (July 25, AMC)


  • Burn Notice (June 3, USA)
  • The Next Food Network Star (June 6, Food Network)
  • The Good Guys (June 7, Fox)
  • Last Comic Standing (June 7, NBC) (For as long as he can tolerate it)
  • Rizzoli & Isles (July 12, TNT)
  • Covert Affairs (July 13, USA)
  • Rubicon (August 1, AMC)

We hope we’re covering at least one show you might be interested in or that our interest spurs you to check out some programming that you might not otherwise watch! Please keep in mind that these premiere dates are all for the United States. You’ll need to check your local TV listings to see when a show will air in your area and at what time.

Also be sure to check back with us regularly as there’ll be other content beyond reviews posted. I’ll be doing a Mad Men summer, so you can periodic posts about the show. Greeney loves reading and writing about the industry (Nick and I did only a half-hearted job at this), and will be posting about developments that catch her fancy. Nick is considering some video blogging, and Matt is developing some Best of/Worst of/Top 10 lists.

You can follow the site on Twitter which updates whenever someone posts or subscribe to our RSS feed to stay up to date with us!

*Please note that all of this is subject to change, and that reviews may come in a little late due to various summer commitments we all have. Some shows may appear randomly (Noel is oddly fascinated by The Gates) and then never appear again. What’s life without some unpredictability?

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