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Saturday, 29 of March of 2025

Gossip Girl – “Ex-Husbands and Wives”

The two of you here together? Please tell me there’s an explanation that doesn’t involve the apocalypse.”

Look at that. First quote not by Chuck Bass.

You know that couple that always fights and they swear they’re better off for it? Or that group of friends that all gossip behind each other’s backs but are closer than anyone else you know? Some people just work that way. “Frenemies” I believe they are referred to as but I dare not use the term out of self-respect and the respect for those of you reading this. That’s how the relationships on Gossip Girl work. They thrive on the dysfunctional. This Ocean’s Eleven style episode showed us just how much they need it (and how much we love to see it).

No event in recent Gossip Girl history has brought this many members of the main cast together for a single, delicious purpose. The heist? Prove that Dr. Holland Campbell is lying about having an affair with Rufus and expose her connection to the pills involved in the evil deeds of Doctor van der Woodsen. Under the leadership of Blair, the Upper East Side version of Danny Ocean, a master plan is concocted. Chuck, Jenny, Nate and even Dan all have their parts to play to put things right. Huh. Crashing rich parties for the sake of helping people. Maybe it’s a little Robin Hood too. I declare this review to be an OUTLAAAAWWW!!

So here’s the point: drama isn’t bad. Not just within the realm of our entertainment, but on a more personal level. These people, friend and foe alike, join forces to right wrongs, cause mischief, lie, manipulate and destroy. And they love it. Blair totally gets off on it and Chuck gets off on that. Sure he loves the game too but he uses this as a way to get close to Blair too. And it partially works, we’ll see how well in the finale next week. But if we might step back into the real world for a moment (scary, I know) that holds true too. We may not go to the extremes of sabotage and the like as our Upper East Side crew does in everyday life but a fight here or there, a small lie or piece of gossip (girl) can add excitement and drama to our lives outside of the television.

I’m sure there are those of you thinking “Wow, he sounds a little sociopathic” but I ask you to take a venture out of your Stepford Wives home and walk around the corner from Wisteria Lane into a different neighborhood of thought. Drama, conflict, suspense, other exciting nouns: these are the reasons we watch TV. Rather than deal with the ramifications of certain actions we leave them to those we watch on the screen. But let’s be honest. Who hasn’t said something they weren’t supposed to just to see someone’s reaction? Who hasn’t started a fight for no other reason than to get a little drama going? (I’m looking at you, ex-girlfriends.) We all do it. We need it. Life imitating art and vice versa. That’s what this week’s episode was all about.

And hey, it worked. William van der Woodsen got sent packing. Lily and Rufus are back together and perfectly happy. Chuck and Blair may be close to reconciliation! Everything is peachy keen a-ok! Well not everything. The events of this caper did have some pretty negative effects but those don’t really help me prove my point now do they?

My final words to you are this: it’s ok to add a little excitement to life. It keeps us sane. It can strengthen bonds, remind us of things we loved long ago. So go tell a lie. Go steal your mom’s meds and sell them on the street. Go offer your girlfriend to your uncle in exchange for your hotel back. I plan to. I am going to live my life as the great Captain Malcolm Reynolds lives his: “I aim to misbehave.”

Important Plot Points:

  • Dr. Campbell was working with William. He was supplying him meds that would keep Lily sick so she would need him. She also lied about the affair with Rufus to try and break he and Lily up so William could slither in.
  • After William was outed and his evil plan exposed Nate called the cops on him but he managed to avoid getting caught. I doubt we’ve seen the last of him.
  • Serena’s pissed at everyone for their part in running her dad off. While things aren’t looking great for her and Nate it seems she and Dan are getting a little close again. (Ew guys, you’re step-siblings now.)
  • Jenny is the only one not happy about the family being back together. She wants out and Nate welcomes her to his place with open arms.
  • Chuck gives Blair an ultimatum: meet him atop the Empire State Building tomorrow at 7:01 or else he will be out of her life for good.

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