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Monday, 31 of March of 2025

Favorite Episodes of Lost

Spurred on by James Poniewozik over at Time, and a desire to satisfy a Lost entry hankering, I’ve compiled my favorite episodes.

They’re not ranked (though I will tell you that “The Constant” is probably the single best hour of television that show has produced) because that would involve re-watching a number of these episodes, and I don’t have the time! As a result, I’m grouping the episdes by season.

Season 1

  • Walkaout: A quintessential episode, and it begins to hint at both the Island’s uniqueness and the mysteries surounding the survivors.
  • All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues: I freely admit to liking this episode more than most probably do, but I think it nicely sums up everything about that first season that made it amazing. Terrific intro episode if you don’t have time to do Pilot.

Season 2

  • Orientation: Carefully mapped out, providing the motto, as James noted, of the show: “We’re gonna need to watch that again.”
  • One of Them: This was the game-changing episode for me. Not only superb performances from Naveen Andrews and Michael Emerson, but the sheer unknowing of who Henry was got me so excited that I didn’t sleep that night.

Season 3

  • Flashes Before Your Eyes: The test balloon for everything that comes after. If this episode hadn’t worked, I don’t know what the show would’ve done.
  • Through the Looking Glass: Yeah, I had figured out the finale before hand, looking at press releases and comments from Darlton, but the episode was still heart-breaking and exciting.

Season 4

  • The Constant: Shows that the writers had a firm grasp on the upcoming gamble, and that Jeremy Davies made for an excellent (and touching) expo-speak man. And that phone call. Oh, man. That phone call.
  • There’s No Place Like Home (Parts 2 & 3): I think this is really my favorite of the season finales. Between the mythology ramp up and Yunjin Kim’s acting, what more could you ask for?

Season 5

  • LaFleur: Character-driven goodness in all that sci-fi craziness. The episode firmly establishes Josh Holloway as the cast’s emotional core for that season.
  • Dead Is Dead: I’m more partial to this Ben flashback than the others in large part because it shows you to how tough Ben Linus is but also how fragile. It nicely sets up his role in tht season’s finale.

Sound off about your favorites, and if you disagree with me!

I’ll be doing Lost reviews as well, so expect those. But due to circumstances beyond my control, I can’t view episodes until Thursday afternoons, so reviews will probably be up by Friday. Yes, I have to avoid the Web from Tuesday nights to Thursday afternoons. It’s going to suck.

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